When entering data in Dynamics NAV, for example in a journal, time is sometimes lost on filtering or looking for the correct Customer, Item, Vendor, … Especially when using a dropdown (table relation). Yesterday I was at a customer site, and they told me that, for example, when entering customers or vendors in a journal, Read More →

Recently I was working with Dynamics NAV in the Web Services page of the RTC. I added some web services, deleted others and then also renamed some of them. No problem, I do that all the time, for demo purposes. But then, suddenly, when I tried to test a web service, by copy/pasting it’s URL Read More →

Yesterday I attended the Dutch Dynamics Community NAV event. It started with a very interesting keynote presentation by Vincent Nicolas about Engineering @Microsoft & Agile Software Development: After that there were 3 parallel sessions: NAV Performance Testing and Monitoring Tools David Worthington Test Automation Suite in Dynamics NAV 2016 Luc van Vugt PowerBI for Dynamics NAV Steven Read More →

A few days ago I received the following email from Microsoft: Needless to say I’m really honored and thankfull. I want to express thanks to everyone who helped me since a became involved in the NAV world, now about ten years ago. It’s been a fantastic ride… As a trainer and consultant, I have met Read More →

Recently I stumbled upon this blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powerbi/archive/2015/12/18/3-twitter-kpis-to-share-on-your-business-dashboard.aspx It shows how you can export your Twitter analytics and use it as a source in a Power BI Dashboard: The process is very simple. Get Your Twitter Data Go to analytics.twitter.com. You may have to log in to your Twitter account. Click on Tweets in the Twitter Read More →

I’d like to take this opportunity to let you know that from the 17th December 2015 into the New Year, Packt Publishing is inviting the tech world to explore its extensive library of eBooks and Video courses for one amazing price.  Every single eBook and Video course Packt has ever created will be available on Read More →

If you upgrade to Microsoft Office 2016, which I highly recommend, you will notice that ‘the Power’ has disappeared. With Power I mean, Power Pivot, Power View, Power Query and Power Map. So where did they go and how can I get them back? Actually, they’re not gone, let’s have a closer look. First you Read More →