If you upgrade to Microsoft Office 2016, which I highly recommend, you will notice that ‘the Power’ has disappeared. With Power I mean, Power Pivot, Power View, Power Query and Power Map. So where did they go and how can I get them back? Actually, they’re not gone, let’s have a closer look.

First you need to verify if the add-inns are still enabled, in the Excel options. You can do this in two ways.

Either you go in Excel Options, Advanced:


Or you go in Excel Options, Add-ins:


Once you have enabled the plug-ins ad shown here above then look here:

  • Power Query
    Power Query is available in the Data tab, under Get & Transform. There you can select New Query:
  • Power Pivot
    Power Pivot is available in the Data tab, under Data Tools:
    And it’s also available in the Power Pivot tab:
  • Power Map
    Power Map is available in the Insert tab, under Tours:
  • Power View
    Now Power View is an exception. It’s no longer available in the Excel ribbon. The reason is that you can use the, free, Power BI Desktop Designer. Power BI Desktop uses HTML5 for it’s visualizations, while Power View used Silverlight. But you can still enable Power View in Excel 2016.
    To do that, you need to customize the ribbon. Right click on the ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon:
    And then it’s available where you added it:

So the Power is not gone, it’s still very much alive and kicking 🙂


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