Recently I stumbled upon this blog:

It shows how you can export your Twitter analytics and use it as a source in a Power BI Dashboard:


The process is very simple.

Get Your Twitter Data

  1. Go to You may have to log in to your Twitter account.
  2. Click on Tweets in the Twitter main menu, and then click the Export data button in the top right of the screen.
  3. Save this file to your computer and rename it to “twitteractivity”.

Customize Power BI

  1. Download the PBIX file linked at the very bottom of this post, and double-click on it to launch Power BI Desktop. (Don’t have Power BI Desktop? Download it here.)
  2. Click on the Edit Queries button.


  1. Right click on Twitter File Path and select Advanced Editor.
  2. Replace the existing Source with the file path where you saved your analytics (for example, “C:\Users\SampleUser\Downloads\Twitter”).


  1. Click Done.
  2. Close & Apply the changes.
  3. The three visualizations will update to reflect your Twitter analytics.

Here’s the PBIX file:

It’s a very nice example of how you can modify an existing Power BI Dashboard, using Power Query, change the data source and update the data. In the Query Editor you can see, at the right side, which steps were applied to to original Twitter export, in case you would like to do it yourself from scratch:


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4 Thoughts on “Create a Power BI Dashboard using your Twitter Data

  1. Pingback: Create a Power BI Dashboard using your Twitter Data - Microsoft Dynamics NAV Community

  2. Pingback: Create a Power BI Dashboard using your Twitter Data - think about IT - Dynamics User Group

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  4. raul on August 5, 2016 at 10:52 said:

    The link to the PBIX file does not work, can you please share a new one?

    Thanks 🙂

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