Dynamics NAV Day at Decisions Spring 2012 is June 20, 2012. You can register here for the event. Have a look at the sessions & agenda: here And did I mention it’s a virtual conference (free of charge). Like last time, there’s also a session about Tips & tricks in NAV 2009 Reporting: http://decisions.msdynamicsworld.com/session/tips-tricks-report-design-msdymanics-nav-2009 In this Read More →

Recently I was contacted by a fellow blogger, who had been scratching his head because of disappearing labels. The report in question was, for some unknown reason, not displaying all captions. It was a report with multiple data indented items. The strange thing was that when one of the data items was removed, the labels would show Read More →

Something new I learned this week  is that appareantly there’s a function GetUidOffset in CodeUnit1 (and it has been there for a couple of versions). GetUidOffset EXIT(0); // =0 –> control- and variable ids are assigned // based on license. // >0 –> control- and variable ids are using numbering //starting from that number The Read More →

A question I receive a lot from customers and partners is if there’s a way to implement the PlaceInBottom effect on a report in RDLC. As you might already know, in the Classic Client, which I should now call the Development Environment, in the report object, there’s a property called PlaceInBottom. It determines whether a footer Read More →

I know, officially it’s Dynamics NAV, but honestly, is there anyone in the real world that doesn’t still call it Navision? Anyway, this post is not about naming, it’s about Power. Yes, these days the new buzzword seems to be power. PowerView, PowerShell and PowerPivot to be more precise. [Ah, and PowerPoint, but that’s not Read More →

The latest weeks I have received  a couple of questions from various Dynamics NAV consultants regarding strange SQL errors Dynamics NAV was throwing. A couple of examples: Table XXXXX coes not exist. Cannot find the user ‘$ndo$…….’, because it does not exist or you dont have permission. You do not have permission to execute table XXXXX. You Read More →

I’m learning about #SQL2012 by watching video sessions at the #SQLServer 2012 Virtual Launch Event: http://www.sqlserverlaunch.com ! This whitepaper provides an overview of the new features, benefits, and functionality in Microsoft SQL Server 2012: SQL Server 2012 What’s New Whitepaper  

Packt Publishing Celebrates its range of Microsoft Dynamics books/e-books all month! Packt Publishing is crowning February, Microsoft Dynamics Mayhem, and celebrating its range of Dynamics books/e-books with exciting discounts. As the leading publisher of Microsoft Dynamics books/e-books and a multitude of bestsellers on NAV, AX, GP and Sure Step, not only do these titles excel Read More →

Did you ever had to outline information on a report? For example, the user asks you to move this field a little to the left or right, or can that textbox be a little bigger because sometimes it’s just not big enough? Or can you also add this information into that textbox, but don’t change Read More →