To install Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central On Premises, first obtain the installation DVD. You can download it here:

Then, select your flavor (localization):

Download and unzip it, then run the setup.exe:

Click Next in the welcome screen:

Accept the eula:

Choose your setup options:

When you select the Get a free online trial you will go to a website where you can register for an online trial:

When you select Get the Business Central App from Microsoft Store you will see this:

I will choose the Advanced Installation options:

You can Install Demo or Choose an installation option:

I will go for the Custom option:

I select what I want to install, and then configure the options:

And then I start the installation:

And we’re ready to go!

Easypeasy! 😉

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8 Thoughts on “How Do I: Install Dynamics 365 Business Central On Premises?

  1. Pingback: Business Central – Install | PA

  2. Pingback: How Do I: Add fields to a Report in Business Central? – think about IT

  3. Where do you upload the .flf?

  4. Emmanuel on July 14, 2020 at 03:00 said:

    How do I get the BC version that has C/Side? Your assistance is highly recommended

  5. Martin on February 24, 2021 at 18:16 said:

    It seems, PartnerSource links are retired (Microsoft shows that text) and the new website leads to empty download page with “Welcome to dynamics-product-downloads!” and nothing else. So, where do I download a full installation of BC now?

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