After you have installed Business Central On Premises, as explained in the previous blog post, you will notice that Personalization is not enabled:

I don’t know why, if this is by design or not, but you can enable it as follows.

First, find your navsettings.json file:

Here you can find more info on modifying the navsettings.json file:

To enable Personalization, you need to add the following setting in the file:

,”PersonalizationEnabled”: “True”
Then you need to restart your Service Tier and Internet Information Server, open the Web Client again, and voila:
More information about personalization is available here:

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7 Thoughts on “How Do I: Enable Personalization in Business Central On Premises?

  1. Simone Colombo on April 15, 2019 at 17:31 said:

    Great article, thanks a lot.
    Anyhow it’s not needed to restart service tier but only IIS or just application pool on IIS

  2. Hello,

    I would expect it would the other way around.
    Design by default disabled & Personalize enabled.
    Is there a way to disable Design? I don’t want end-users creating a ton of extensions…


    • I would also expect that. I really don’t like the design feature for users. Unfortunately I don’t know the setting to turn off design…

      • Marcel on October 31, 2019 at 09:26 said:

        You can disable the design-feature also in the “navsettings.json”-file with the following command:

        “Designer”: “false”

  3. Sara on July 19, 2019 at 10:55 said:

    Hi, Steven,

    I have installed D365 Business Central CU01 and I tried to show Personalization button by following the instructions above. Unfortunately it haven’t work.
    Do you have additional info regarding this subject?

    • Hi Sara,

      Please verify that your changes were saved in the navsettings.json file. Then see if you can restart IIS.
      That should solve the problem.

  4. Sara on July 19, 2019 at 12:51 said:

    Hi, Steven,

    Thanks a lot for your answer.
    You were right. The file wasn’t saved. I didn’t press the button Save and I just closed the window (the code line was still there but… no effect)


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