The Areopa webinar “Why are dataflows so interesting for Power BI and Business Central?“, is now available on YouTube:

It was an honor to be asked by Luc van Vugt to host a webinar, thanks Luc for the opportunity!

If you are interested to get started with Power BI Dataflows with Business Central, then this webinar is a good introduction.

As data volume continues to grow, so does the challenge of wrangling that data into well-formed, actionable information. Once you’ve created a dataflow, you can use Power BI Desktop and the Power BI service to create datasets, reports, dashboards, and apps to drive deep insights into your business activities.

In this session I will demo how you can create reusable dataflows and consume them in Power BI, based using the Business Central dataflow connector. On top of that dataflows can also be used to create the amazing new Excel report layouts.


Why are dataflows so interesting for Power BI and Business Central?


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