(Copied from: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-bi-desktop-september-2019-feature-summary)

You’ll notice one of our exciting updates right away when creating new reports with the September update of Power BI Desktop, a new, modern default theme! Not only do we have a new default theme, but we’ve more than doubled the number of built-in theme options for your report. If you’re a theme author, potentially more exciting are the updates to our theme JSON format which make it much quicker and easier for you to create your own custom themes that significantly change the look and feel of your report. Thanks to an intern project, we’re also releasing a frequently requested modeling feature: custom format strings. And of course, we have plenty of incremental improvements this month, with some performance improvements, more dynamic formatting options, updates to our personalized visualization pane, and more.

Desktop Download button

As a final reminder, starting this month, we are only releasing our new single .exe installer that has all the languages wrapped into it. If you’re automatically downloading it from the Download Center each month, you’ll need to update your scripts. You can learn more about how to do this in our documentation. We have also added some guidance at the end of this post.

Here’s the complete list of September updates:




Data connectivity

Data preparation

Template apps


For more information, look here:


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