(Copied from: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-bi-desktop-april-2019-feature-summary/)

April is an exciting month for Power BI Desktop! Our April update has major updates across the entire product.

This release adds the ability to define the titles of your visuals and the URLs of your buttons based on DAX expressions, which is only our first step towards making every property of a visual expression-based. You can also now easily link reports within a workspace together with across-report drillthrough support. We have a lot of new connectors this month and several  of our preview connectors are now generally available, including the Power BI dataflows and PDF connectors. Data prep gets some major updates as well with the GA of data profiling and M intellisense.

Desktop Download button

Here’s the complete list of April updates:





Data connectivity

Data preparation


For a summary of the major updates, look here:


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