Comments usually go into the Documentation() trigger in your report object, but sometimes you want to be able to also put comments in the RDLC layout. For example when you have put controls behind each other and depending on a certain expression you change the visibility. In that case, when a modification needs to be Read More →

On december 7 I delivered a presentation, at Decisions Fall 2011. It is still available online here: In this session we will start with an introduction on Role Tailored report design for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, how the dataset is generated and how to create a simple layout. Next we will discuss how to Read More →

Welcome to think about IT. I’ve been thinking a long time now to create a blog website, and finally it’s here. The idea is to provide information about Microsoft Dynamics NAV, SQL Server and surrounding technologies from personal experience and from a practical point of view. If you are looking for specific information or would like Read More →