On december 7 I delivered a presentation, at Decisions Fall 2011. It is still available online here: http://decisions.msdynamicsworld.com

In this session we will start with an introduction on Role Tailored report design for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, how the dataset is generated and how to create a simple layout.

Next we will discuss how to provide visual information using conditional formatting using some examples of common expressions and how to used embedded images and use the chart control in a report to simulate key performance indicators.

Then we will dive into the design of dashboard and document reports and we will have a quick look at some of the workarounds that are required to be able to create these kinds of reports and to be able to display database information in a report header or footer and how to implement the ‘No of Copies’ option.

This session will covers:

  1. Introduction to enhanced report design
  2. Dashboard reports:
    1. Conditional formatting
    2. Using images to simulate KPI’s
    3. Using and embedding Chart controls
  3. Document Reports:
    1. Display data bound information in page header
    2. The No of Copies option
  4. Q&A

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