Here I’m again, ready to continue this post (

At this moment we have a dataset that fetches information from two tables: a header and a line, that are joined together via the DataItemLink and PrintOnlyIfDetail properties. Now it’s time to add a layout.

Now, a report can have none, one, or multiple layouts.

Using the ProcessingOnly report property, you can say that the report does not have a layout, and will only execute the AL-code in the triggers of the report and the dataitems. Furthermore, the request page will not display a Print or Preview button, but only an Ok and Cancel button:

We will add a layout to the report, and so ProcessingOnly is False, which is the default.

Then a report can have a built-inn layout and run time layouts. Built-In  you can add 1 RDLC and/or 1 WORD layout. You reference them in the properties:

  • RDLCLayout
  • WORDLayout

The property DefaultLayout then determines which one is the default. If not specified it will be the RDLC layout.

To get started, let’s create an RDLC layout:

  • RDLCLayout = ‘MyDocumentReport.rdlc’;
The layout can also be put/generated in another folder. The RDLCLayout property can contain a patch, relative to the root of your project.
Right click the layout, and select Open Externally:
The report layout opens in Visual Studio:

You can also use Report Builder. Actually, I have configured my machine so that when the reports ends on .rdl it opens in Report Builder and when it ends on .rdlc it opens in Visual Studio. More information about this is available in this blog post.

In Visual Studio, you can see the dataset on the left side, the body in the middle and the properties at the right side.

I would like to add a table to the body, to display fields from the header and line tables. BUT: I would like to see the line fields, per header record. That means I will need to add a group to my table. In fact, I will group the Line record by the Document No.

When you want to add a group to a Table, my recommendation is to first create the table with the fields that need to be grouped.

So in this case:

Then, add the group:

Now add the fields from the Header table to the right of the Document No:

Now, let’s test this. Save the layout in Visual Studio and Close or Minimize it. Then build the project in VSCode:

As you can see, the Headers print, with their corresponding Lines.

Now let’s put every document on a separate page.

To do that we need to add a page break after every document, or to be more specific, enable a page break in the group on Document No:

And when you run the report again, you see that every document is on a separate page:


We have progressed one step further in the development of our document report. In the next blog post I will enhance the layout and also create a WORD layout. See you soon…

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