You might have read my previous posts How Do I: Develop an Extension in Business Central On Premises? and How Do I: Create a Dynamics 365 Business Central Demo/Sandbox Environment? Now you might be wondering, How Do I: Develop an Extension in Business Central Saas, meaning the online Business Central environment?

Well, first of all, logon to Business Central via: using your Office 365 credentials:

To be able to develop an extension for Business Central, you need a sandbox. G oto search (Alt-Q) and enter Sandbox:

Use the Sandbox Environment (Preview) link:

Use the Create button to create a new sandbox:

Once created, it opens:

You can see this at the top of the window.

Then open again and select the Sync button:

Your sandbox is now added to your apps, and you can pin it:

Now that you have a sandbox environment, you can setup Visual Studio Code to connect to it.

Start Visual Studio Code and create a new project using AL:Go!

To verify which version our tenant and sandbox are using, verify it in the System Information page:

Then verify that your app.json is using the same version:

Now download symbols:

And then Publish the helloworld app:

Now we get a typical error, like in the previous post, we need to enable the translation file in the app.json:

And now publish again (F5):

Voila, we’re all setup 🙂

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2 Thoughts on “How Do I: Develop an Extension in Business Central Saas?

  1. Xavi on May 8, 2019 at 10:19 said:

    I’m new with BC and BC (Saas). I do the extension helloworld and I just can see the extension in the sandbox environment.
    How i can intall/publish the extension in the BC Saas (not sandbox) ?

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