Welcome to the May 2018 Developer Preview update. In this release we have focused primarily on burning down the outstanding bugs reported through GitHub. This milestone contains ~300 events and bug fixes and brings the number of outstanding bugs close to 0. See the list of closed bugs here: https://github.com/Microsoft/AL/milestone/16?closed=1. We have also added a few small features, please see more details below.

This Developer Preview is available only through the Ready to Go program. Read more at http://aka.ms/readytogo. To get all fixes and features described in this post please make sure you are running an image with a build number 13.0.22267.0 or newer.

Help links from IntelliSense

We improved the help experience of all properties in AL, both on hover and in IntelliSense, adding help links that redirects you to the related online documentation.


Improved support of the Image property

We also improved the support around the Image property in the extension. This includes improving the suggestion of images to only propose the ones that can be used in the current context, displaying a warning for images that cannot be used in the current context, but also the possibility to preview images when using IntelliSense and on hover.

Contextual information in XLIFF files

We have added contextual information in the XLIFF file that describes which object and element a given string applies to. This helps translators get a better overview of where a string is displayed in the UI thereby increasing the quality of the translation.


As usual we encourage you to let us know how you like working with these additions and keep submitting suggestions and bugs. You can see all the filed bugs on our GitHub issues list (https://github.com/Microsoft/AL/issues).


More information here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/nav/2018/05/25/developer-preview-may-2018-update/


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