With the release of the NAV Development Preview – February Update, a new version of the VSIX was released (al-0.14.17461.vsix) that allows you to create the RDLC and WORD layouts for a report with one click.

Let’s look at an example. Here I created a report.al object with the following dataset:

You can use the TREPORT snippet and then fill in the blanks to do this.

At the top you will notice the following:

RDLCLayout = ‘layout/RDLCReport.rdl’;

WordLayout = ‘layout/MyWordLayout.docx’;

This means I want to have the layouts for my report to be stored in a separate layout folder.

Now in order to create these layouts, all you need to do is BUILD (Ctrl+Shft+B):
And voila, that’s it… Now you can open the Word and RDL files and create the layout, then save them and deploy your report.
How easy is that…
You specify the file and it is created. Also, when you change the dataset in AL, the dataset in the layout files are updated with the AL extension.

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