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3 Thoughts on “How Do I: Configure and Access the Content Package for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

  1. Pingback: How Do I: Configure and Access the Content Package for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 - Microsoft Dynamics NAV Community

  2. Steven,

    I cannot access the OData/Web Services outside the cloud VM, it does not even prompt for the username and password, my webclient is working fine.
    I have the below error in the event viewer for NetWork Service Account so i created a whole new account but still get below error
    The service could not add service principal names because the service account could not be found in Active Directory

    I have enabled SSL.
    I am using NAVUserPassword which is working with webclient outside VM

    I am not sure what configuration i am missing, does the above error regarding SPN is the issue ? if so how can i resolve it.

  3. Pingback: Connecting the Power BI Dynamics NAV Content Package to a local NAV 2016 instance | think about IT

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