Dynamics Learning Portal


Here on the Dynamics Learning Portal you can find some very interesting courses about Dynamics NAV.

Please have a look at the Course Catalog.


The following are courses where I will personally introduce you to:



  • Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016
    • This Digital Learning course is designed for students who are preparing to complete the installation and configuration of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016.
  • Development Environment Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016
    • This Digital Learning course focuses on the capabilities and features of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Development Environment. It explains the basic development concepts in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, and provides an overview of the C/AL programming language and various object types.
  • Data and Code Upgrade in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016
    • This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to perform an upgrade from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016. A solution upgrade enables users to take advantage of improved functionality, new features, and improved capabilities of the new version of the solution.
  • Development Environment Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015
    • This Digital Learning course focuses on the capabilities and features of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Development Environment. It explains the basic development concepts in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015, and provides an overview of the C/AL programming language and various object types.
  • Development Environment Solution Development in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015
    • This course leads students through the patterns and recipes on how to customize Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 to meet customers’ requirements. It explains standard application concepts and provides insight into most important processes in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015, master tables and pages, documents and journals posting, dimension management, feature integration, role tailoring, automating unit testing, reporting, statistics, web services, SQL server optimization, and developing for the tablet client.
  • Business Intelligence in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2
    • This Digital Learning course covers the business intelligence capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 to assist companies transform raw data into meaningful and useful information for business purposes. This course demonstrates advanced ways on how IT professionals can transform data from a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database into business intelligence information.

One Thought on “Dynamics Learning Portal

  1. Sowkarthika on September 11, 2016 at 13:15 said:

    I have checked your courses in DLP. They were very good. Great Work !!

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