If you have developed a report you will surely have experienced this annoying issue.ย Every time you perform the View, Layout action within the Report Dataset Designer and Visual Studio opens, you have to manually go to the View menu and select Report Data to be able to see the Report Data Pane. Then, because you Read More →

This is actually a small post about the ProcessingOnly report property in Dynamics NAV. You probably already know that you can use it to create a report object that acts as a code unit, but with the advantages of using data items to create nested loops and a request page to allow for dynamics filtering Read More →

In Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 it is now possible, again, to implement Page X of Y for document reports. In previous versions of RDLC the problem was that in a typical document report the content of the body was put in a List container to implement the Number Of Copies option. Via the List we Read More →