Business Central 2023 Wave 1 (version 22) is coming, and as from yesterday you can create a preview sandbox, so you can test out all the new amazing features.

Simply go to your Business Central Admin Center, and create a new environment:

Select Sandbox, and in Version select the (Preview) option.

After you click Create, it can take a while for the environment to spin up…


When ready, open it, and make sure to have a look in the Feature Management page, to try out some new features:

like for example the: Feature Update: Analysis mode, quickly analyse data directly in Business Central, which is one of my favorites.


Would you like to know more about these features, then have a look here:

and if you want to pick just one, then I would suggest this one: Analyze, group, and pivot data on list pages using multiple tabs | Microsoft Learn that allows you to analyze data on lists directly in the Business Central.



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