Imagine you accidentally delete your launch.json file in your project, or you clone a git repo that does not have a launch.json file, then what do you do?

  • Do you manually create a new launch.json file?
  • Do you copy a launch.json file from another project?
  • Do you go to #bcalhelp and ask for help?

These are all good solutions, but did you know that VSCode can create it for you, automatically? Let me show you how:

How cool is that?

And a tip from Waldo:

(simply download symbols, without a launch.json)

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One Thought on “Quick Tip: How do I recreate my launch.json in VSCode?

  1. Michael on February 7, 2021 at 15:02 said:

    Can’t view it , too small. Tried 3 browsers.

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