Recently someone asked me if it is possible to programmatically access information from notes and add them on a page or report, so I thought, why not blog about it?

The first thing you should know is that notes are saved in the table: “Record Link“:

And you should also know that there’s a codeunit “Type Helper” that can help you:

This codeunit contains a lot of very useful functions such as:

And that’s exactly what you need.

So let’s put this in an example. Let’s create a codeunit, with a function: GetNotesForRecordRef:

Now you can use this procedure, for example in a page extension:

And voila the result:

Now you can use this procedure, for example in a report:

And voila the result:

Here’s the example al project:


An updated example (v15) is available here:


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11 Thoughts on “How Do I: Use Record Notes in an AL Page or Report?

  1. Matthias Rabus on March 24, 2019 at 13:33 said:

    Hi Steven,

    interessting post! You could optimize the read of the RecordLinks by using SETAUTOCALCFIELDS instead of CALCFIELDS 🙂

    Best regards & a nice weekend to you

  2. Hi Steven,
    I can get the FieldNotes field to appear in the Customer List, but the Note doesn’t show in the FactBox; and am unable to Edit the field in the list, nor add a new note in the FactBox.
    The entire bottom half of your “voila result” is missing from my rendition of your example. I do have the usual Customer List Factbox, but no note section there. I did copy your code verbatim, though changed the Sandbox Tenant. Well i actually downloaded new Symbol Files, set for 3.0.
    I had also spent some hours trying to get this same code working from what you gave us during your Development Course. That had a version 2.1 for the Symbol Files.
    What might I be missing?

    Steve Simon
    (Velosio Partner) and former student

    • Hi Steve,

      Very strange indeed. I’m seeing the same as you now. Before it worked perfectly fine and now, since my tenant was updated to Platform 14.0.34821.0 + Application 34999 last week, I can’t see notes anymore/anywhere…

      I see in the yammer forum that links and notes are being introduced to the cloud version of Business Central together with the October ’19 version.
      So it seems like they have removed notes in this build, so they can reintroduce them later in wave 2.

      I find this crazy…

      • I have an update:

        Notes and Links were never enabled in the web client of the cloud version of Business Central (and before that also in Project Madeira later known as Finance and Operations, Business Edition). They were (and still are) enabled in the on-premises versions of NAV and Business Central though (both Windows and web client).

        In ‘2019 release wave 2’ of Business Central (known as version 15.x or October ’19) we are for the first time enabling Notes and Links in the web client of the cloud version. And we are also updating the user interface of the web client in the on-premises version of Business Central.

        • stevesimon748383232 on August 17, 2019 at 19:10 said:

          Thanks so much for doing the research. Can’t wait until October.
          Steve Simon
          PDG Consultants

  3. Wasiu Ibrahim on October 2, 2019 at 11:48 said:

    I’m good in Extension. How can I use AL Code for achieve this, Thanks

  4. Wasiu Ibrahim on November 22, 2019 at 11:49 said:

    There are notes from different users. How can I separate the note per user with paragraph and with user ID. Thanks

  5. Marisol on January 31, 2022 at 07:13 said:

    Hi, I just want to give you big thanks because this saved my day today. I needed to add all my notes to my sales order confirmation report and after some work around I was able to solve it.

    • Kivinho on June 15, 2022 at 21:43 said:

      Hi Marisol,

      Could you share your solution with me?

      I have the same issue, but on my NAV version the Codeunit Type Helper doesn’t contain the function ReadRecordLinkNotes.

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