I’m not a VSCode expert and there are probably better ways to do this, but I sometimes get a question: Is there an easier way to design an RDL report from within VSCode?

Well yes there is. You can create a Task to do it.

Open a Project in VSCode and goto your Tasks:

Here you can add a new task, like for example this one:

Of course you need to have Report Builder installed on your machine.

Then simply open an RDL report file and run your task OpenWithReportBuilder: (image takes some time to load)

I know, there are probably much better ways to do this, I’m not a VSCode export, but I thought why not share this quick tip…

More info on creating tasks is available here: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/tasks#vscode

Similarly you can also add another task: OpenWithWord for the Word layouts:


Please also have a look here: https://github.com/Microsoft/AL/issues/1546

So this probably means that in a future release it will become a new standard feature. Cool! & thanks Luc for informing me 🙂



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2 Thoughts on “Run Report Builder from VSCode to Design your .AL Report

  1. rdlc on May 8, 2019 at 15:31 said:

    Great tip. It would however be much easier to read your examples, if the screenshots were done, while VSCode is using a light theme.

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