This video demonstrates how to perform a select distinct with queries in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The demonstration covers the following steps:

  • What is a Select Distinct?
  • Create the Query
  • Add more information

Select Distinct with Queries in Microsoft Dynamics NAV on Vimeo


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4 Thoughts on “How Do I Perform a Select Distinct with Queries

  1. Pingback: How Do I Perform a Select Distinct with Queries - Microsoft Dynamics NAV Community

  2. Pingback: How Do I Perform a Select Distinct with Queries |

  3. Azhar Saeed Khan on July 29, 2022 at 15:53 said:

    Hi Steven!

    This video is not available, Can you please share the link to it or maybe upload it again.


    • No I can’t.
      This is a post from 2016 and the videos are manages by Microsoft. Apparently they have decided to remove the video from the playlist, or even removed the complete playlist.
      However, I found a copy of the video here:

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