Something new I learned this week  is that appareantly there’s a function GetUidOffset in CodeUnit1 (and it has been there for a couple of versions).

// =0 --> control- and variable ids are assigned
// based on license.
// >0 --> control- and variable ids are using numbering
//starting from that number

The purpose of this function would be for a Partner (developer) to influence the way in which numbers (ID’s) are generated for controls when adding them on a form/page. For example, you are developing an add-on and you are using a specific range (license), for example: 70000 – 71000.

When you add a field to a page you get this:

And when I make a change to the function GetUidOffset:

//*** Begin:

This is what happens:

I went online and did a little search and found the following:

Interesting, no? And, remember to re-open the company in NAV after changing CodeUnit1.


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2 Thoughts on “GetUidOffset()

  1. Pingback: GetUidOffset() |

  2. Just stumbled across this post, Steven. Thanx for refering to my blog.

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